Plantas de Hormigón | ST-120


CONSTMACH STATIONARY 120 full automatic stationary type Concrete Batching Plant is a suitable solution for high capacity also long term ready mixed concrete projects in dedicated jobsite areas. With its capability to produce any type of concrete, stabilized and problem free structure, warranty of spare part and technical service and high quality, compliancy in CE standards CONSTMACH STATIONARY 120 concrete batching plants are preferred by the professionals.

Twin shaft mixers with 3 m3 wet concrete volume are used in STATIONARY 120 concrete batching plants.

STATIONARY 120 concrete plant can be equipped with different size of cement silos from 100 to 500 tonnes storage capacity according to the needs and conditions of our clients’ projects. If the cement is supplied in bags, the cement is filled to the silos easily by means of a big bag opening and silo charging systems which are integrated to STATIONARY 120.

Our company knows very well that the climate conditions have major affects on the quality of concrete. While STATIONARY 100 concrete batching plant in cold-climate regions such as Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Northern Europe etc. are being heated by hot vapor generators and insulated panels, the concrete water to be used in STATIONARY 120 concrete plants in hot-regions such as middle east, GCC or Africa countries is cooled by chillers.

Aggregate pre-feeding systems are our alternative solutions to the loading ramps which are necessary for charging the hoppers by loaders. In case of using aggregate pre-feeding systems, requirement of loading ramp is removed.

Different layouts and site plans for STATIONARY 120 concrete plant are applied according to the conditions of the field where the concrete plant is to be installed and in case of the field sizes are limited, aggregates is transferred by skip hoist system instead of belt conveyors.

STATIONARY 120 is equipped with high-tech automation system including top class SIEMENS & SCHNEIDER brand electronic components and PLC. The whole system is controlled through an advanced software which has sophisticated features and user friendly interface.

PLANTAS DE HORMIGÓN | ST-120 Especificaciones Técnicas


Capacidad de Producción 120 m³/h
Peso 58 toneladas sin silo de cemento
Potencia Total del Motor 205 kW
Requisito del Generador Eléctrico 300 kVA
Opciones de Mezclador Eje Doble
Área Requerida para Operar 700 m²


Volumen de la Tolva de Agregados 4 x 30 m³
Tolva de Pesaje de Agregados 4.5 m³
Transportador de Pesaje de Agregados 1.000 x 13.000 mm
Transportador de Transferencia de Agregados 1.200 x 30.000 mm
Tolva de Reserva de Agregados 4.5 m³
Volumen de Hormigón Húmedo del Mezclador 3 m³
Tolva de Pesaje de Cemento 1.800 kg
Tolva de Pesaje de Agua 1.000 lt
Tolva de Pesaje de Aditivos 50 lt
Compresor de Aire 500 lt, 7.5 kW
Silo de Cemento Opcional desde 100 hasta 500 toneladas de capacidad.


Shipping friendly equipments of our stationary concrete batching plants minimize the transport cost of our clients with its modular structure and availablity to be shipped within closed truck trailers and containers.


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